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    News Items    

McKellar Township Passes New Zoning By-Law

During the May 11, 2021 meeting of McKellar Township Council, Zoning By-law No. 2019-23 being a By-law to regulate the use of land and the character, location and use of buildings and structures in the Township of McKellar, received third and final reading.

Interested MLCA members who want to know what changes were passed should consult the McKellar Township website for information and, if there are any concerns, contact the town office directly.

May 16, 2021 News

MLCA's New Blue Green Algae Webpage

Blue Green Algae has become a growing concern among our members over the past few years. Across Ontario, the number of reports of Blue Green Algae have been on the rise over the last 15 years. In response to the concern, we have created a Blue Green Algae page on our website that explains everything that is known about it, what it looks like, how it develops, how warnings will be published by our Public Health Unit, what the Province of Ontario is doing about it and how we can all help to prevent it.  The page provides links to many excellent resources for further reading. The danger of Blue Green Algae is made clear along with what you should do to report a sighting. 

May 10, 2021 News

FOCA Elerts

The FOCA April Elerts is available on the FOCA website.  The Elert covers a variety of topics and offers webinars pertaining to:

  • promoting healthy lands, lakes and rivers
  • advocating for responsive government
  • serving local lake and road associations
  • championing affordable and safe rural living
  • fostering community, and
  • building FOCA's capacity

The March Elerts highlighted an excellent document dealing with healthy lakes:  A Shoreline Owner's Guide to Healthy Waterfronts

Check details below for information on how to sign up for monthly FOCA Elerts.

MLCA members are automatically members of FOCA. Take advantage of all the benefits FOCA has to offer by checking their website.  FOCA publishes news articles, helpful publications and offers free webinars to its members.  The Elerts is a monthly electronic publication that highlights current news and available webinars.  To sign up for the Elerts, go to the Elerts page, click on the big Sign Up Button and enter your information.  Type MLCA for association name.

April 21, 2021 News

Earth Day - Clean Up McKellar

The Recreation Committee of The Township of McKellar is sponsoring a Clean Up McKellar day as an Earth Day activity. Prizes will be awarded. The deadline for entry is April 23rd.

Check out the Poster for details.

April 7, 2021 News

MLCA Water Testing

Please be advised that our 2020 Water Quality Report is available on our website. It discusses E.coli results, Benthic Testing and Blue-Green algae investigations. Our team of water volunteers will continue with their diligent work in 2021 as outined below.

Lake water testing in the Township of McKellar is conducted with the cooperation and participation of MLCA volunteers.  For a complete explanation of this process, read the McKellar Township Water Testing Protocols document.

Three major water samplings were completed in 2020. A couple of hot spots for E.coli were detected - see detailed results here.  We will continue to provide special attention to these areas in 2021. Three major testings will be completed in 2021 as well.

The Ministry of Environment confirmed the identification of a Blue-Green Algae bloom in August of 2020. Subsequent water testing in this area did not detect any toxins. Our volunteers will be on the alert for Blue-Green Algae in 2021. Please report any suspected blooms to our water testing coordinator.

In conjunction with the G.B.B., McKellar township and the MLCA will be performing the second year of the Manitouwabing lake bottom Benthic study this summer. The goal of this three year program is to assess the health of the lake ecosystem. The results will be reported after the third year is completed. See the background information for this study here.

April 7, 2021 News

Watershed Conditions Statement - Water Safety Parry Sound District

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry – Parry Sound District is advising area residents that a Watershed Conditions Statement - Water Safety is in effect in the District until Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Residents within the Parry Sound-Muskoka area should keep a close watch on conditions, regularly check for updated messages and exercise caution around water bodies as flows and levels within rivers and streams are anticipated to rise in the coming days. Although flooding is not expected at this time, residents may wish to consider taking action to ensure their sump pumps are working properly and to secure or protect any property in flood-prone or vulnerable areas.

Read More

March 24, 2021 News


It is with great sadness and regret we inform the membership of the sudden passing of Manitouwabing Lake Community Association President John Cole on Saturday, January 16th, 2021. A man of great integrity, with a wry sense of humour, he gave his time to our community in several capacities.

We each knew him in different ways. We saw him at the McKellar Farmers’ Market as husband and helper to GiGi in her ceramic business, while also operating the MLCA information/membership booth, and as the one-time manager of the blossoming market.

Some knew him as a neighbour on Fire Route 300, which John maintained and plowed; digging for days at a time. Others, as a past member and Chair of McKellar Council’s Economic Development Committee. More recently, John lent his wizardry with numbers and research to the McKellar Fibre Mill project.

As the current president of MLCA, after years of volunteering as a member at large, and as the first Chair of the Public Affairs Committee, attending council meetings in order to report to the membership and, recently, as co-coordinator of the very successful McKellar Tree Planting Program.

Our heartfelt condolences are sent to Ghislaine (GiGi) and family, of whom John was so proud. He is already missed.

Personal messages of condolence may be sent by email to or letter mail at 85 Fire Route 300, McKellar, Ontario P2A 0B4.

A formal notice will appear in the Parry Sound newspaper on January 28th, 2021.

MLCA Board of Directors

January 20, 2021 News

"Update" Township of McKellar is planning a third reading of new zoning bylaw ;

Mayor Hopkins has decided that in consideration of the upcoming Ontario lock down, the matters relating to the Zoning By-law Amendment and OPA9 will not be part of the January 12, 2021 Council meeting. These matters will be deferred to a later date.

See the latest version of the proposed bylaw December 10 2019

January 3, 2021 News

Township of McKellar is planning a third reading of new zoning bylaw ;

The Township of McKellar announcement on the proposed new zoning bylaw is as follows;

The Township now wishes to move forward with the updated By-law and has received both Planning and Legal guidance on the matter. Council has requested that staff place the matter on the January 12, 2021 agenda for the Regular meeting of Council, for a third reading of both the updated Zoning By-law and Official Plan Amendment 9.”

See the latest version of the proposed bylaw December 10 2019

December 22, 2020 News

MLCA, is offering a community tree planting program 2021

Whereas we are all now more than aware of the impact our choices have on the environment and the species that live here, this year we are also adding a selection of wildflower, shoreline and alternative lawn seed.

We are all being encouraged to naturalize wherever we possibly can. This provides food and habitat for pollinating insects, which we need for our own food production. Naturalizing shorelines produce fish habitat, discourage geese and soak up run off before it enters the water. As well as the sheer beauty of a meadow full of wildflowers or a backyard resplendent with birds and butterflies, we know there are many reasons to consider this option.

Click here to visit the Store

November 07, 2020 News

McKellar involved in Climate Change – Carbon Calculator Survey

McKellar Council, along with the Ad Hoc Committee on Lake Stewardship and the Environment, would like to encourage all our residents to complete GBBR’s ICECAP Climate Change CO2 carbon calculator emission study. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

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October 28, 2020 News

McKellar Remembrance Day Ceremony


McKellar Council has planned to hold a scaled down Remembrance Day Service in Minerva Park at the Cenotaph on Wednesday, November 11, 2020 at 11:00 am in respect and honour of our fallen comrades. The public is encouraged not to attend

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October 28, 2020 News

OEB orders Hydro One to eliminate the Seasonal Rate Class


On September 17, 2020, the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) issued a Decision and Order that confirms that Hydro One Networks Inc.’s (Hydro One) seasonal rate class will be eliminated and that Hydro One’s seasonal customers will be moved into Hydro One’s existing residential rate classes. Based on information provided by Hydro One, the overall impact is that more than half of seasonal customers are expected to experience a monthly bill increase in the range of $5 to $79, while almost all of the remaining seasonal customers are expected to experience a monthly bill decrease in the range of $8 to $38, depending on consumption.

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September 23, 2020 News

Council Report to the McKellar Community


It has been a while since the February electronic newsletter and the January 2020 Mayor’s Annual Report, and I felt it was time to give everyone a brief update on what has been accomplished and what exciting things we are working on in the Township.

Click here for the full Report

September 12, 2020 News

Propane Plan News!

The MLCA/Superior Propane Agreement for 2020/2021 has been re-negotiated and will remain the same as last year at $0.499/L, plus taxes. All other conditions will remain unchanged.

Click here for   Additional information on the program

September 6, 2020 News

Update on Blue Green Algae (BGA) Manitouwabing Lake

On behalf of MLCA, the people who do water sampling did a search in their areas looking for possible instances of Blue Green Algae (BGA). Three such areas were identified and were sampled on August 25/26 2020 for microcystin (toxin from BGA). The results analysis for all three areas showed the negligible result of < 0.15 µg/L. The reportable limit is ≥ 1.5 µ/L, However, please note that algae blooms can occur anywhere due to varying factors, particularly weather patterns. Ultimately, be observant and if there is any doubt about the conditions, do not use the water.

These same areas were sampled for E. coli and all had levels below 100.”

August 28, 2020 News

News Release - Harmful Blue-green Algae in Manitouwabing Lake

The North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit (Health Unit) would like to advise the public that a harmful algae bloom (cyanobacteria), also known as blue-green algae, has been found in Manitouwabing Lake

Species of the algae capable of producing toxins were confirmed by the laboratory of the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks. The toxins in harmful algae can irritate the skin and, if swallowed, cause diarrhea and vomiting.

Click here for additional information

August 21, 2020 News

Propane Plan News!

The MLCA/Superior Propane Agreement for 2020/2021 will see a price increase of $0.005/L , to $0.505/L, plus taxes. All other conditions will remain unchanged. The current price of $0.499/L will continue to be in effect until the end of August.

Click here for   Additional information on the program

August 14, 2020 News

August 8, 2020 News

Game of Thrones: Septic Health & Best Practices

We found a posting on the Georgian Bay Bioshpere site that may be of interest to many in our community. It is a free one hour webinar about septics for next Tuesday. Follow link Game-of-thrones-septic-health-best-practices for information on how to sign up.

July 10, 2020 News

Should you see any "Open Burning" Please call By-Law Officer Gary Joice at 705-774-3630 conditions are EXTREME.

Sunday July 05 2020

July 11th 2020 MLCA Annual General Meeting Postponed

With the continuing State of Emergency and the uncertain timing of next steps or an end, the MLCA Board of Directors announces the deferral of the planned 2020 AGM and is currently reviewing options available to proceed ranging from a limited on-line to a full in person meeting.

Further information on how and when the AGM will be held will be forwarded shortly.

June 8, 2020 News

MNR&F Restricted Fire Zone removed

As of May 16th Restricted Fire Zone removed

RFZ Removed.pdf

May 16, 2020 News

Boat Ramps OPEN May 12th

As of May 12th the following are the McKellar COVID-19 Updates:

McKellar Public Notice May 12th 2020

May 12, 2020 News

Township of McKellar May 1 COVID-19 UPDATES

As of May 1st the following are the McKellar COVID-19 Updates:

Boat Ramps remain closed.

Fire Ban Remains in place.

Province wide Short Term Rental Ban Remains in place.

Letter from McKellar Mayor, Peter Hopkins.

For more about COVID-19 in McKellar please visit the Township Website

May 1, 2020 News

Township of McKellar re COVID-19

Further measures have been taken by the Township of McKellar and North Bay Parry Sound Health Unit Release due to the COVID-19 situation.

Township measures include closure of Parks and Boat Ramps as a result of the above. For further information click on the links below.

McKellar Township Letter

Parks and Boat Ramps

North Bay Parry Sound Health Unit

April 13, 2020 News

Restricted Fire Zone Declaration due to COVID-19

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) has implemented a Restricted Fire Zone (RFZ) across the entire legislated fire region of Ontario due to impacts related to the COVID-19 outbreak.

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To continue click on the following Restricted Fire Zone Declaration

To report a violation Call Bi-law Gary Joice 705-774-3630 or email Cancode Safety Services

April 3, 2020 News

Notice re McKellar Transfer Site

Effective immediately, the McKellar Transfer Site will accept perishable household garbage and recycling disposal only.

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For the full Notice from the Township website click here Notice Transfer Site

April 3, 2020 News

Watershed Conditions Statement - Water Safety Parry Sound District

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry – Parry Sound District is advising area residents that a Watershed Conditions Statement - Water Safety is in effect in the District until Thursday, April 02, 2020

Residents within the Parry Sound-Muskoka area should keep a close watch on conditions, regularly check for updated messages and exercise caution around water bodies as flows and levels within rivers and streams are anticipated to rise in the coming days. Although flooding is not expected at this time, residents may wish to consider taking action to ensure their sump pumps are working properly and to secure or protect any property in flood-prone or vulnerable areas.

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To continue click on the following Watershed Conditions Statement

March 27, 2020 News

McKellar "Declaration of Emergency"

Township of McKellar’s declaration of a state of emergency.

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Declaration of Emergency

March 27, 2020 News

Message from Mayor Peter Hopkins

Message from Peter Hopkins, Mayor of the Township of McKellar to the Citizens of McKellar - Covid 19

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Message from Mayor Peter Hopkins

McKellar now has a Facebook Page – “McKellar Township” where the Township will be posting notices, as well as on the municipal website.

March 23, 2020 News

Proposed McKellar Zoning By-law Amendment (CANCELLED)


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TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Township of McKellar will hold a public meeting concerning a proposed zoning by-law update on March 16, 2020, at 6:30 p.m. at the Township Council Chambers in the Village of McKellar to consider the adoption of a OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT and a new comprehensive zoning by-law. Please visit the link below for the notice on the township website.


March 7, 2020 News

The Ridge at Manitou Transformation Program Presentation to McKellar Council

Mr. Brian Brisbin, of Brisbin Brook Beynon Architects recently provided Council with an overview of The Ridge at Manitou’s Transformation Program.

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The Ridge is proposing to construct a 40-unit resort hotel in the fall of 2020. Plans also include renovation of the clubhouse and surrounding buildings to accommodate greater hospitality capability. A copy of the presentation can be found at Ridge Presentation to McKellar Council with the accompanying Audio Recording of the presentation.

Also recently, Golf North announced they have entered into a lease for the operations of The Ridge at Manitou, effective January 1, 2020 . See GolfNorth Adds The Ridge at Manitou Golf Club for the announcement.

February 17, 2020 News

Shirley Marguerite Faryna

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Shirley Marguerite Faryna (Smithville, Ontario), who passed away on September 5, 2019,

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leaving to mourn family and friends. Leave a sympathy message to the family on the memorial page of Shirley Marguerite Faryna to pay them a last tribute. You may also light a candle in honor of Shirley Marguerite Faryna.

Merritt Funeral Home

August 14, 2019 News

Low water level on Manitouwabing Lake

Many residents on Manitouwabing Lake have expressed concern about the ongoing problems related to low water levels. They are not alone. All lakes in the Seguin River Watershed, including those that feed into our lake, are experiencing similar conditions. This summer hasn't been the hottest or driest, but it has been consistently warm and consistently dry. Water levels have been dropping due to evaporation, limited precipitation and no inflows from upstream tributaries.

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The Seguin Watershed is in an area that averages around 500mm of annual evaporation. Similar conditions apply on lakes further east and south of us.

Bracebridge Generation (BGL), the company that manages the Seguin watershed, rehabilitated the dam in Hurdville in 2018. This involved steel jacketing the piers and replacement of the log gains as well as maintenance to the log sills; a project that significantly reduced leakage from the dam. Company employees continue to regularly visit the dam to check and manage excessive leakage. The lake is currently below the minimum level of the Seguin River Water Management Plan and BGL has submitted an "Out Of Compliance Report with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF).

However, the current situation is not unique. Similarly low water levels were experienced in late summer 1993, 1998, 2002, 2005 and 2007. Currently, the only effective solution rests solely on a significant volume of rain over an extended period of time, not just on our lake, but also on lakes and rivers that feed into Manitouwabing. Hopefully, there will be some relief soon.

In the longer term, as climate change will likely continue to impact local weather conditions, we need to be better prepared. The situation on Manitouwabing Lake is not unique. Our geographic area is regularly faced with either too much or too little rain. Clearly, the existing dam system has limited ability to manage excessive increases or decreases in water levels in short periods of time. BGL and MNRF are keenly aware of the challenge they face. The question is: does a practical, cost effective, solution exist?

In the meantime, as residents, what can we do to mitigate the problem?

Clearly, the answer is "not a lot," but many of us who own lakefront properties or commercial properties on the lake depend on it for our water supply. Apparently, the average daily water consumption per person in Canada is around 250 litres per day (while in residence) including those who rely on surface water and perhaps dug wells, but not drilled wells. To alleviate the problem we may wish to consider, if we haven"t already done so, consuming less during periods of drought, storing water or identifying an alternate source of supply, such as a drilled well.

September 09, 2019 News

Our deepest condolences to the Begy Family

It is with sadness we inform the many MLCA friends of the Begy family that Brian passed away on August 7th, 2019, and that a funeral service will be held at noon on Monday, September 30th in the chapel at the Theo Brunet & Sons Funeral Home, 2410 Laurier Street, Rockland, Ontario. Phone 613-446-4691. Attendees may express their condolences to the family from 11 a.m. A dedicated Director of the Manitouwabing Lake Community Association for many years, Brian was recently awarded an Honorary Membership in recognition of his contribution to the community.

MLCA Board of Directors

August 19, 2019 News

2019 MLCA "Propane Group Purchase Plan"

As of August, 2019, we have approximately 75 members taking advantage of special MLCA negotiated pricing under its "Propane Group Purchase Plan" with leading supplier Superior Propane.

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Beginning September 1, 2019, current Plan Members will automatically qualify for the new fixed rate under the Plan of 49.9 cents per litre. MLCA members wishing to join the Plan and receive this fixed rate will have until September 30, 2019 to sign up. For more information please see 2019 Plan Announcement

August 18, 2019 News

Update: Hydro One Seasonal Electricity Customers

This week, Hydro One has distributed an email letter to their Seasonal Customers related to the Ontario Energy Board's (OEB) proposal to eliminate the Seasonal rate class, which will negatively impact many Federation of Ontario Cottagers' Associations' (FOCA ) members. See a copy of the letter, important links, and background information about this pending change, here: https://electricity-pricing/

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FOCA expects the OEB to issue a decision on this matter by late August 2019. As it has in the past, FOCA will be advising members of the ruling and will be undertaking whatever opportunity is available to intervene with the OEB to represent the interests of members (including those of MLCA).

August 14, 2019 News

Seguin River Watershed, including Lake Manitouwabing

Rainfall amounts for July have been below normal and spatially localized with similar trends being observed for August. The five-day forecast suggests that conditions are relatively clear with about 6 mm of rainfall forecasted for this week. Rainfall forecasts are associated with thunderstorms and could be highly variable from one location to another.

The ongoing hot and dry conditions that have persisted for an extended period of time have resulted in lower than normal local inflows and increased the rates of evaporation as the system transitioned from a normal summer condition at the beginning of July to below normal conditions by late July and early August.

Bracebridge Generation is actively monitoring conditions and conserving any inflows that are received to help restore levels to normal. For more information please contact: Bracebridge Generation Ltd. by calling 1-844-227-6236.

August 07, 2019 News

Fire Danger Rating HIGH in McKellar

The Fire Danger Rating (FDR) in the Township of McKellar was raised to HIGH on July 4th 2019. Recently the Fire and Open Burning By-law was amended.

The new By-law number is 2019-24. The definition of a campfire now includes the word "recreation," allowing residents the opportunity to enjoy an evening fire during a High Rating. However, the size of the campfire is now limited to two feet or 60cm diameter and no fires are permitted between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. The same regulation applies to cooking fires.

The Fire Danger Rating is reviewed by local area fire chiefs on a weekly basis. FDR Notices are posted throughout the Township of McKellar. There are four ratings: Low, Moderate, High and Extreme (no open burning of any kind, including incinerators). Please make sure you totally extinguish your fire before retiring for the night. Unattended fires can grow and, in some cases, travel underground.

For further details please refer to the Fireworks By-law #2019-22, Fire & Open Burning By-law 2019-24 and important 911 Information on the Township of McKellar's website at or contact the fire department by email at

July 11, 2019 News

MLCA Annual General Meeting 2019

Date: Saturday, July 13th, 2019

Time: Registration 8:15 a.m. Meeting begins at 9:00 a.m. Adjourns at 12 noon.

Location: Township of McKellar Community Centre

9:00 a.m. Guest Speaker: Mayor Peter Hopkins "Current and future opportunities and challenges in the Township of McKellar; followed by a brief Q&A session.

MLCA Annual Meeting Agenda:

1. Thank speaker and welcome Members to Annual Meeting: Phil Boyd, President

2. Motion to approve Minutes of 2018 Annual Meeting: Dianne Thompson, Secretary

3. 2018-19 Financial Report & 2019-20 Budget: Don Hotchkiss, Treasurer

4. Lake water testing - update on procedures and benefits: Andy Kellner, Director

5. Public Affairs Committee Report: Residential rentals and zoning by-law. Proposed fiscal year end amendment and other changes to the MLCA constitution necessitated by new government regulations: Scott Buckingham, Director & Vice-Chairman Public Affairs Committee.

6. Nomination/election of 2019-2021 Officers & Directors: Phil Boyd, President

7. Recognition of Board Members and Volunteers. Introduction of new Board and, hopefully, passing the gavel to the new president: Past President Phil Boyd

8. New Business

9. Guest speaker: Gary Joice, By-law Enforcement Officer "Updates to Township Bylaws

10. Free Draw and Adjournment of Annual Meeting

FREE DRAW PRIZES: Golf at The Ridge, tickets to Festival of the Sound events and Petro Canada gift cards from Superior Propane.

July 04, 2019

McKellar Pioneer School Cooking Classes

Cooking classes for all levels of cooks and "want to be's." With classically trained Red Seal chef David Downing, the classes are full of useful information and a heck of a lot of fun! Bring a friend, make a day of it, we eat what we cook! Bring an apron to class.

Class #1 - Barbeque Fun! Wow your friends and family this summer with your new barbeque skills. July 20, 2019, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Class #2 - For Those on the Go! Quick and nutritious meals, be ready for that busy fall. Great launch for students leaving home for the first time. August 17, 2019, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Class #3 - Canning and Pickles. Just in time to put away fresh local produce for winter eating. September 21, 2019, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

$45 each, or the series of three for $120. Courses are held at the McKellar Community Centre.

To register call Ina @ 705-389-2842 Ext. 1 There are course maximums, so register early. Watch for ongoing courses.

June 25, 2019 News

Festival of the Sound 2019

The Festival of the Sound is proud to celebrate its 40th season with a programme filled with world-class musicians, both old favourites and emerging young artists. Three weeks of chamber and classical music is supplemented with two very special weekends:

an exciting night of tango with sounds of Buenos Aires anchors the Folk Weekend while the Jazz Weekend features a riveting celebration of the life of Joni Mitchell, as well as the perennial highlight the Toronto All-Star Big Band. The Festival includes five musical cruises and over 60 other events. Only in Parry Sound! For a full list of events please go to Things To Do > Events Calendar on this website.

June 17, 2019 News

Proposal to establish a Fibre Spinning Mill

As a result of a resolution to Council on June 3rd 2019 from the Ad Hoc Business, Economic & Tourism Committee of the Township of McKellar, Council resolved to approve a public town hall meeting to present information on a business proposal to establish a Fibre Spinning Mill in the area. The meeting will be hosted by local resident Wave Weir.

As the proposal has the potential to affect the fabric of the community, all residents of the Township (as well as those beyond its borders) are welcome to attend a public meeting at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 15th 2019, in the McKellar Community Centre. A full presentation on the proposed business plan for a wool fibre processing mill will be given, followed by a question and answer session.

An audio recording and condensed version of the slide presentation is posted on the Townships website under Correspondence of the June 3rd Council Meeting.

June 10, 2019 News

Junior golf camps at The Ridge at Manitou

Junior golf camps are a great way to introduce your child to the game or to improve the skills of those already immersed in golf. All aspects of the game will be discussed and we'll include time spent playing on the golf course.

Juniors will also learn about etiquette, rules and proper care of the course. There will be snacks, games, prizes and plenty of fun for all.

Times: Each camp will run Tuesday to Thursday from 9 a.m. to 12 noon.

Dates: July 2nd to 4th. July 16th to 18th. July 30th to August 1st.

Ages: Open to juniors between the ages of 8 and 15.

Cost: $150 + HST (snacks and water are included each day).

Camps will be limited to the first 12 registered per camp.

To register: Call the Golf Shop at 705-389-9577 ext. 25 or email Travis Spiess, Director of Golf, at

June 8, 2019 News

McKellar Public Library survey

We have a newly appointed Library Board and new staff who would like to hear from users and potential users regarding programs and services we currently offer.

Saturday, July 6, 1:30 to 3:00 p.m.

In addition, we would like to hear your ideas for new programs or services. Your feedback is important to us. The survey will be closed on June 30th. We thank you in advance for your valued input. Please take just a few minutes to answer our questionnaire at

May 23, 2019 News

Ethics/Philosophy sessions with Stephen Heder

The McKellar Pioneer School, a project of the Township of McKellar Recreation Committee, is pleased to announce a series of three sessions conducted by Stephen Heder, PhD, MSW, RSW, on Ethics and Philosophy. Session 1 - Values and Ethics in our personal and professional lives. Friday. June 14, 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. Session 2 - History of Philosophy, Greek, Roman, Oriental. Saturday. June 22, 10:30 a.m. to 2:00 noon. Session 3 - Renaissance, enlightenment, romantic and modern thinkers and ideas [...]

Saturday, July 6, 1:30 to 3:00 p.m.

Location: McKellar Community Centre. Individual classes $10 each or $25 for all three. Scholarships available. To register please call Ina Watkinson at the Township of McKellar office 705-389-2842 extension 1. Watch for ongoing courses on the Township website at

May 21, 2019 News

Proposed McKellar Zoning By-law Amendment

TOWNSHIP OF McKELLAR NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNING A PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Township of McKellar will hold a public meeting concerning a proposed zoning by-law update on May 21, 2019, at 6:00 p.m. at the Township Council Chambers in the Village of McKellar to consider the adoption of a new comprehensive zoning by-law. THE PURPOSE of the proposed zoning by-law is to replace the existing comprehensive zoning by-law for the whole of the Township of McKellar [...]




TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Township of McKellar will hold a public meeting concerning a proposed zoning by-law update on May 21, 2019, at 6:00 p.m. at the Township Council Chambers in the Village of McKellar to consider the adoption of a new comprehensive zoning by-law.

THE PURPOSE of the proposed zoning by-law is to replace the existing comprehensive zoning by-law for the whole of the Township of McKellar.

THE EFFECT of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to update the Zoning By-law to incorporate changes resulting from the update to the official plan in Official Plan Amendment No. 8. No key map is included because the changes affect all of the lands in the whole of the Township of McKellar.

ADDITIONAL information including a copy of the proposed zoning by-law changes are available on the Township website or directly from the Township during normal business hours.

If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Township of McKellar on the proposed zoning by-law, you must make a written request to the Township of McKellar, 701 Highway 124, P.O. Box 69, McKellar, ON P0G 1C0.

If a person or public body would otherwise have an ability to appeal the decision of the Council of the Township of McKellar to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, but the person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Township of McKellar before the by-law is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision.

If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting, or make written submissions to the Township of McKellar before the by-law is passed, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to do so.

Dated this 16th day of April, 2019

Tammy Wylie, Clerk-Administrator

705-389-2842, ext. 4


Township of McKellar, 701 Highway 124, P.O. Box 69, McKellar, ON P0G 1C0

May 14, 2019 News

Latest Watershed Conditions for Parry Sound / Muskoka

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Parry Sound District is advising area residents that a "Flood Warning" is in effect for the Muskoka River, French River and Lower Pickerel River Watersheds, and a "Flood Outlook" is in effect for the remainder of the MNRF Parry Sound District. Definitions: "Flood Warning" - flooding is imminent or occurring within specific watercourses and municipalities. "Flood Outlook" gives early notice of the potential for flooding based on weather forecasts calling for heavy rain, snow melt, high winds or other conditions [...]

These messages will remain in effect until Friday, May 17, 2019.

Residents and those visiting the area are advised to be aware of current watershed conditions. Higher than normal water levels and flow conditions exist throughout the area and residents are reminded to keep a close watch on weather conditions, regularly check for updated messages and exercise caution near fast-moving rivers and streams.

It is expected that lower-lying portions of known flood-prone roads along river courses will be impacted to various degrees as lake/river levels remain high over the next week.

Banks and shorelines adjacent to water bodies are extremely unstable. Residents and visitors should exercise caution while around water bodies and maintain close supervision of children and pets. Residents that may be affected by high water conditions should take necessary action to protect/secure any vulnerable property in proximity to rivers and lakes and closely monitor developing conditions.

May 12, 2019 News

Welcome to The Ridge at Manitou in 2019

It really seemed harder to shake off this winter than any year previously. The snow in April was definitely a bit more winter than anyone was hoping for! And now, we are hoping (like everyone else we know) for a terrific summer to make up for it! Winter was wet and icy, but I am happy to report that the course did very well through all the up and down weather, and I am very pleased with the conditions overall. As always we look to ensure that the course measures up with the high standards we've always set here and we're on track to deliver some great golf for 2019 [...]

The course opened on May 10th and we're excited to build on Chef Paul's great menus and our event teams are working hard to bring some great entertainment to The Ridge for you to enjoy.

Ladies' Day - Each Monday from May 27th until October 7th

Play 18 holes any time of day or 9 holes after 2 p.m. Call to join up with other ladies or we can pair you up with someone new. Scoring takes place over the first 9 holes only. For anyone playing 18 holes there will be additional contest prizes to win on the back 9 as well. Ladies league entry fee is $5/person for prizes plus your applicable green fee. Handicaps will be used to determine net winners. Players without a valid handicap can still participate and one will be determined for you. Prizes for flight winners, closest to the pins, etc.

Men's Day - Every Tuesday from May 28th to October 8th.

There will be prizes for flight winners, closest to the pins, most accurate drives and other fun games each week. Format is "play your own ball." $5 entry fee to join men's league. Play 18 holes any time of day or 9 holes after 2 p.m. If you have a Golf Canada Index thats great well use it to determine your net score. If not, we'll figure out a handicap for you based on hidden holes. Anyone can play with or without a valid handicap. Prizes will be awarded to net score flight winners and for proximity contests. Prizes consist of golf shop merchandise credit which you can accumulate and use on merchandise throughout the season.

We encourage you to visit our Events Calendar often at for the best view of entertainment and dining events we have planned for 2019. We'll keep it updated with menus, pricing and time of events so you can get all the information you need in one spot. We look forward to seeing you at the Ridge in 2019.

Sincerely, Drew

Drew Rachar, General Manager/Course Superintendent

The Ridge at Manitou, 160 The Inn Road, McKellar, Ontario P2A 0B4 Toll Free: 1-877-789-9578 Local: 705-389-9577

May 12, 2019 News

MNRF Watershed Conditions Statement

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Parry Sound District is advising area residents that: A Flood Warning remains in effect for the Muskoka River Watershed. A Flood Watch is in effect for the Magnetawan River Watershed. A Watershed Conditions Statement - Water Safety is in effect for the remainder of the MNRF Parry Sound District. These messages will remain in effect until Friday, May 10, 2019. [...]

Residents and those visiting the area are advised to be aware of current watershed conditions. Higher than normal water levels and flow conditions exist throughout the area and residents are reminded to keep a close watch on weather conditions, regularly check for updated messages and exercise caution near fast-moving rivers and streams.

It is expected that lower-lying portions of known flood-prone roads along river courses will be impacted to various degrees as lake/river levels remain high over the next week.

Banks and shorelines adjacent to water bodies are extremely slippery and unstable. Residents and visitors should exercise caution while around water bodies and maintain close supervision of children and pets.

Residents that may be affected by high water conditions should take necessary action to protect/secure any vulnerable property in proximity to rivers and lakes and closely monitor developing conditions.

The ministry is closely monitoring the weather and developing watershed conditions. Further updates will be issued as appropriate.


Description of Weather System

Precipitation will continue until the weekend for southern Ontario before a high-pressure ridge sets up over the province providing several days of drying and near, to above seasonal temperatures for most of the province.

Description of Current Conditions

Water levels are beginning to recede in many lakes however flows in rivers will remain high as the water moves though the system.

It is expected that lower-lying portions of known flood-prone areas along lakes/rivers may be impacted to various degrees as lake/river levels remain high over the weekend and into next week.


WATERSHED CONDITIONS STATEMENT FLOOD OUTLOOK: gives early notice of the potential for flooding based on weather forecasts calling for heavy rain, snow melt, high winds or other conditions

WATERSHED CONDITIONS STATEMENT - WATER SAFETY: indicates that high flows, melting ice or other factors could be dangerous for such users as boaters, anglers and swimmers but flooding is not expected.

FLOOD WATCH: potential for flooding exists within specific watercourses and municipalities

FLOOD WARNING: flooding is imminent or occurring within specific watercourses and municipalities.

May 05, 2019 News

Bracebridge Generation update: May 3, 2019

It's been a busy spring for Bracebridge Generation Ltd. (BGL) with many of our dams and generating stations encountering high or record flows and levels. This update is intended to provide an overview of the status of our operations and considerations for safety. Please stay clear of dams and generating stations as flows remain high. [...]

Seguin River (Cascade Street GS, CPR Trestle Dam, Frys Lake Dam, Grey Owl Dam, Haines Lake Dam, Horn Lake Dam, Hurdville Dam, Martin Lake Dam, Mill Lake Dam, Whitefish Lake Dam). The Seguin River peaked at 179 cms on April 22nd and began to quickly recede. The Seguin system had considerably less snow than other neighboring watersheds. Crews have been installing logs and closing gates in the Seguin to maintain levels at a desired early spring level for ecological processes. The south section of the Hurdville safety boom has broken, crews have removed it from the spillway and will reinstate the boom prior to navigation season once flows recede and it is safe to do so.

North Branch Muskoka River (High Falls GS, Wilsons Falls GS, Birds Mill Dam, Bracebridge Falls GS). The Town of Bracebridge declared a state of emergency and BGL has worked closely with the Emergency Control Group regarding updates on flows, levels and asset condition. BGL recorded peak flows through our facilities at 298 cubic meters per second (cms) which far exceeds any know previous peak flows. All four of our generating stations and dam locations remain fully operational. The High Falls GS and Wilsons Falls Main Dam upstream safety booms have broken, and crews will reinstate the boom prior to navigation season once flows recede and its safe to do so. There is lots of debris and erosion in the area of our facilities that we will begin working on once it becomes prioritized. The lighting system on the Bracebridge Falls Dam has been damaged by debris and it will also be prioritized and repaired. Flows are levels are receding as MNRF are reducing upstream flows.

Magnetawan River (Burks Falls GS). Burks Falls Dam flows peaked at 199 cms this spring which is a very high flow. Under these conditions, the dam is only able to affect the level a short upstream area from the dam. The spillways were operated to the full potential to maintain appropriate levels upstream of the dam and keep the structure safe. Burks Falls GS remains fully operational.

Irondale and Gull River (Haliburton GS, Irondale GS, Elliott Falls GS). BGL crews regularly attended site to clear trash racks and maintain turbine flow to assist in passing flows past the facilities. There were no issues encountered at these locations and flows and levels remain high as they move through the system.

York River (Bancroft GS). Flows in the York River were high and peaked at 133 cms. BGL crews regularly attended site to clear debris from spillways, clean trash racks and maintain turbine flow to assist in passing flows past the facilities. The Town has logged in to their eastern spillway as MNRF cut upstream flows. The safety boom has broken, crews will work to reinstate the boom prior to navigation season once flows recede and it is safe to do so.

For more information please contact: Bracebridge Generation Ltd. by calling 1-844-227-6236.

May 03, 2019 News

McKellar Action Plan Meeting #3

Don't miss the Township of McKellar Action Plan Meeting #3, which begins at 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 4th 2019, in the Township Community Centre and ends at noon. For your interest here is the agenda for the meeting. [...]

Don't miss the Township of McKellar Action Plan Meeting #3, which begins at 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 4th 2019, in the Township Community Centre and ends at noon. For your interest here is the agenda for the meeting.

I. Call to Order

II. Reminder that there is a Public Meeting after this one at 12:30 p.m. to deal with a variety of questions posed to the OPP and MNR regarding lake issues

III. Declaration of Conflict of Interest

IV. Additions to the Agenda

V. Approval of the Agenda

VI. Move into Committee of the Whole

1. Welcome and introduction of Council, Staff and Action Plan Committee

2. Summary of the process to date Meeting #1 and #2

3. Purpose of meeting - to critically review the draft Action Plan

4. Power Point presentation

5. Questions and answers

6. Suggested changes and revisions

7. Resolution to Council to adopt the revised Action Plan - May 6th

8. Ad Hoc Committee meeting dates

1. Roads Advisory: Don Carmichael

2. Business, Economic Development: Marco Ancinelli

3. Environment and Lake Stewardship: Peter Hopkins 2nd meeting Saturday, May 25th, at 8:00 a.m.

All meetings are open meetings and minutes on our website.

VII. Move Out of Committee of the Whole


1. Action Plan resolution to May 6, 2019 Council meeting

IX. Adjournment

April 30th, 2019 News

Watershed Conditions Statement – Water Safety – Parry Sound District

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Parry Sound District is advising area residents that a Watershed Conditions Statement - Water Safety is in effect for the District which includes the District Municipality of Muskoka, the Territorial District of Parry Sound and a north-west portion of the County of Haliburton. Residents within the Parry Sound-Muskoka area should keep a close watch on conditions, regularly check for updated messages and exercise caution around water bodies as flows and levels within rivers and streams are anticipated to rise in the coming days [...]

Although flooding is not expected at this time, residents may wish to consider taking action to ensure their sump pumps are working properly and to secure or protect any property in flood-prone or vulnerable areas.

It is expected that lower-lying portions of known flood-prone roads along river courses will be impacted to various degrees as river levels start to increase over the next week.

With cooler temperatures, banks and shorelines adjacent to water bodies are extremely slippery and unstable. Residents and visitors should exercise caution while around water bodies and maintain close supervision of children and pets.

also advises extreme caution when using forest access roads for outdoor activities as many are seasonally inundated with water, prone to washouts and may be impassible due to current water levels.

is closely monitoring the weather and developing watershed conditions. Further updates will be issued as appropriate.


Description of Weather System

This message is being sent based on information received from MNRF - Surface Water Monitoring Centre, MNRF - Aviation Forest Fire and Emergency Management Services and Environment Canada.

An approaching Colorado Low weather system is expected to pass through Northeastern Ontario over the next 3 days, bringing warm air into southern, southcentral, and the southern portions of the northeast region on Thursday and Friday.

This warm air mass will bring significant moisture mainly to the central portions of northeastern Ontario including Wawa, Chapleau and Timmins Districts, with 25 40 mm of mixed precipitation consisting of snow, freezing rain, ice pellets on Thursday and Friday. The southern portions of northeastern region are expected to receive 15

25 mm, with the phase of the precipitation more on the rain side, rather than snow or ice pellets over the same period.

Southern Ontario is expected to receive 5 -10 mm of precipitation over the next few days, with temperatures reaching +10 deg C as far north as the French River and North Bay on Friday and staying above freezing overnight Thursday, before dropping back down to more seasonal temperatures Friday night and into the weekend.

Description of Current Conditions

Currently water levels on water bodies with control structure are generally low due to drawdown efforts prior to the spring melt. Flows are normal for this time of year, but are anticipated to rise due to warm temperatures, rain and rapid snow melt. Current snow conditions in the Muskoka and Parry Sound region have average of 30-60cm of snow depth containing 120-200mm of snow water equivalent, which is above the typical average for this time of year.

and runoff due to forecasted warm temperatures and precipitation will result in flows and levels rising depending on local conditions. Combined runoff from the rainfall and snowmelt might result in high water levels and localised flooding in low lying areas. Residents should be cautions as ice conditions on lakes and rivers may change rapidly as a result of rising flows and water levels.

Expiry Date:

This message will expire on Thursday, April 18 2019, 12:00 PM

Terminology: Notification Levels

WATERSHED CONDITIONS STATEMENT WATER SAFETY: indicates that high flows, melting ice or other factors could be dangerous for such users as boaters, anglers and swimmers but flooding is not expected.

WATERSHED CONDITIONS STATEMENT - FLOOD OUTLOOK: gives early notice of the potential for flooding based on weather forecasts calling for heavy rain, snow melt, high winds or other conditions

FLOOD WATCH: potential for flooding exists within specific watercourses and municipalities

FLOOD WARNING: flooding is imminent or occurring within specific watercourses and municipalities.

April 17th, 2019 News

Two public meetings of interest to MLCA Members

At 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 4th, McKellar Council is convening a public meeting at the Community Centre to review and discuss the Four Year Action Plan prepared with the help of committees and individual residents. A light lunch will be provided and then, at 12:30 p.m., representatives from the Ontario Provincial Police and the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry will be in attendance to discuss residents' concerns with regard to lake water activity and boating safety [...]

Please forward any questions or suggestions you may have in respect to either of these meetings to by April 24th 2019

April 7th, 2019 News

Swimming Instructor required for July and August

The Township of McKellar requires a qualified swimming instructor to teach the Red Cross Swim Program during July and August 2019. Resumes will be received by the undersigned [...]

until April 12th 2019 at 12 p.m. Joe Whyte, Treasurer/ Deputy Clerk, Township of McKellar, 701 Highway #124 P.O. Box 69, McKellar, Ontario P0G 1C0 or

March 20, 2019 News

Township of McKellar 2019 Spring Newsletter

The Township of McKellar has introduced a new and informative newsletter on its website. It features a message from Reeve Peter Hopkins, highlights [...]

special events and activities planned for 2019, and provides helpful information about township services. Its worth a look.

March 18, 2019 News

Saint Patrick's Day Dance

A chance to let winter know that it hasn't defeated us! The McKellar Recreation Committee is hosting the Sunny Slope Bootleggers for a lively Saint Patrick's Day Dance, Saturday, March 16th.[...]

Come to enjoy the music, or dance spring in, in style. Tickets $15. In advance through the office, 705-389-2842, or at the door. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. at the community centre. Cash bar and food available. Wear your green. We are all honorary Irish for a day. See you there. Wave Weir

March 13, 2019 News

Mayor Hopkins’ Spring Report and Council’s 2019 priorities

"We are all from somewhere": What makes McKellar such a special place is its diversity of people. Some have come from afar, some are new. Some have been born here, others born around the world. Some have rural roots, others have urban ones. Some have expertise in certain things, some have other talents. Some are affluent, some are not. Some live on the lake, others in trailer parks, some live on seasonal roads, others on assumed ones. Some own businesses, others enjoy home-based businesses. We have all chosen McKellar as a special place to live.[...]

"Celebrate what we have in common": Rather than look at our differences, lets celebrate what we have in common and what we can learn from each other. We all love the northern experience - the outdoors, nature, our lakes, fishing, animals, four seasons, our affordability and slower pace, bartering; even complaints about the weather and black flies. In short, we share the quality of northern rural life. "Our Sense of Community": Our many volunteers are major contributors to our positive sense of community in McKellar. Can you imagine what McKellar would be like without our many volunteers, community clubs and organizations, committee members, lake associations, fire fighters, church groups and many others. There would be no cards, dances, special events, youth programs, fish derbies, church events, fund raising, fitness and wellness programs, fairs and community celebrations, water testing and on and on. Our volunteers collectively create a caring, welcoming sense of community. This is our purpose: to have a welcoming community which works together to have a better life, better services, better programs, better neighbours and a better environment. What more could you ask for. 2018 Highlights in McKellar Budget and Finance: We continued to be in the black, debt free, build reserves for future projects while keeping taxes to the cost of living. According to our Auditors, we are in excellent financial shape. McKellar Market: A special thanks to Jan Gibson, our Market Manager, who has made our Market the place to be on Saturdays. Her Thanksgiving and Christmas markets were sold out. See her excellent and picturesque annual report. Beautification Projects: We spent a lot of time creating a welcoming environment in McKellar with new Village and Market signs, our new Pavilion, new tables, landscaping, parking, benches and docks in Minerva Park. New Fire Hall #1: After its official opening in the fall of 2017, our volunteer fire fighters have enjoyed training in our fully paid for state of the art facility. Road Improvements: Thanks to a major grant, we completely redid Burnett's area roads. We also improved Blackwater, Hurdville and Centre Roads while improving guard rails and new culverts and fixing dips in other areas. New Staff: We spent a lot of time creating a smooth staff transition due to the retirement of our long - standing Clerk and the departure of our Treasurer and Administrative Assistant. We are very pleased with our new staff: Tammy Wylie, Clerk; Joe Whyte, Treasurer; Ina Watkinson, Administrative Assistant. They have already implemented new ideas to make the office more efficient and improve our banking services with debit, credit card opportunities to name a few. New Electronic Sign: We have installed a new, bright, electronic sign along #124 to continually advertise our many community events. New Accessible Sound System has just been installed making attendance at Council meetings more accessible to the public. Re-election of our M.P.P.: Congratulations to our M.P.P., Norm Miller for his provincial re-election. Community Centre Improvements: We have replaced our chairs and tables, moved the clock, replaced needed kitchen items and are awaiting new LED lighting. Student Bursaries: We awarded our second set of bursaries to two high school graduates who are continuing on to a post - secondary education. We have revised the Bursary criteria for a McKellar student to attend our local Canadore College. New Council: Our ratepayers re-elected Peter Hopkins as Reeve, Councillors Morley Haskim and Mike Kekkonen, and new members, Councillors Don Carmichael and Marco Ancinelli. We were sworn in on December 3rd 2018 and have agreed to numerous committee assignments and the development of a four-year Action Plan. Programs and Events: There is always a lot going on in McKellar for all ages and interests. Some new activities include fund raising projects for the restoration of our two churches, our first "Dog Days of Summer," 142nd consecutive Fall Fair, Yoga in the Park, second annual Paddling Lake Manitouwabing, pancake and hunters suppers, to name a few of many. Senior of the Year Award: Mr. Gerald Bell, former Reeve, member of Council and Good Samaritan, was awarded the Provincial Senior of the Year Award at the Fall Fair. Our Library: Under the direction of Joan Ward the Library continues to offer special programs and services to attract new visitors to our excellent Library. We are pleased to welcome Lynne Campbell to their staff. Economic Development: We are very pleased that the new owners of The Ridge have continued to operate the golf course as a high-quality facility. The Ridge is our largest employer and our main tourist attraction. Four Winds, Glenwood and Candlelight resorts also have new owners. The Outpost in Hurdville opened last summer and a new organic farm, Beavercreek Farms, had a successful beginning. Cottage industries are on the rise. Our Chief Building Official Chris Bordeleau reported lots of development and building projects in McKellar. The Rogers 35m mono-pine tower is now operational. The OPP reports that McKellar has a low number of incident reports and continues to be a safe community. Environment and Lake Stewardship: We continue to test our water through the Manitouwabing Lake Community Association, Ministry of Health and The Ridge at Manitou, with very few issues being reported. We refused to allow Hydro to spray pesticides under their lines. Council hosted numerous depositions by The Ridge and Ministry of Natural Resources about fish habitat. We held a "Clean up McKellar Earth Day," approved the creation of a "Butterfly Park." We added a new composter and continued the Re-Use tent at the Transfer Station, and worked with Belvederes volunteer program "Bottles for Belvedere," which raised over $8,000 for the seniors group. Openness and Transparency: Council has continued to be open and transparent through an electronic spring newsletter, numerous depositions and delegations to Council, many reports to the MLCA, Council and the Community. We held many special public meeting dealing with various public issues; in particular in revising our Zoning By-law. Donations and Fund Raising: We continue to support various donation requests from camps, area and school programs. We also continue to raise funds for the restoration of our two historic churches St. Stephens in Broadbent and Hemlock Church at Centre and Hurdville Roads. New Heritage Museum Displays: Our Historical committee continues to add artifacts and displays in our must see historical museum. Excellent Staff: We are very proud of all our staff. Ed Bier and our volunteer firefighters worked tirelessly last summer dealing with fire related issues and emergency calls. Greg Gostick and our public works staff continue to keep our roads safe and facilities usable. Chris Bordeleau, our CBO, and Gary Joice, our Bylaw Enforcement Officer, continue to be diligent in upholding building and safety standards in McKellar. 2019 - Moving Forward: Some new Council considerations: Time to get involved. Budget and Finance: Our new staff and council will continue to be fiscally responsible and prudent with the use of our limited funds. We will keep taxes reasonable, be debt free, put money aside for long term projects and plan for efficiencies and new sources of income. We will be reviewing the annual budget process and looking at a longer financial approach and priorities. Four Year Action Plan: Council has approved the development of a four-year plan of action. On January 12th 2019 council, staff, committees, community groups and citizens at large gathered in the Community Centre to discuss and brainstorm our vision, values, issues and ideas. On Saturday, March 9th, we met again to identify the most pressing issues, prioritize action items and begin the process of creating a four-year Action Plan for submission to Council for approval with a long range view to our 150thAnniversary in 2023. A third public meeting will be held on Saturday, May 4th 2019, at 10 a.m., to present the first draft of the Action Plan before it goes to Council. Three New Ad Hoc Committees: Council has created three short term committees to study areas of concern and make recommendations to Council within a year. This is a perfect time to get involved and come up with pragmatic, affordable solutions to various issues. All three will define the issue, review documents and what other municipalities do, hold public meetings and look at ways of resolving the issues. Environmental and Lake Stewardship Committee: To investigate a wide variety of environmental and lake issues and make recommendations to protect our number one priority - preserving the quality of our lakes and the beauty of our surroundings. Chair: Mayor Peter Hopkins. Servicing Roads Committee: To investigate and identify issues and concerns around un-assumed roads, review current resolutions, by-laws and standards, look at what other municipalities do and make recommendations to the Roads Committee and then to Council. Chair: Councillor Don Carmichael. Business, Economic and Tourism Committee: To identify various issues and concerns from the business community, investigate ways of improving communication, marketing in McKellar and the area, job creation and new commercial space and opportunities in the future. Chair: Councillor Marco Ancinelli. Other 2019 projects: Will be widening Highway #124 for safety and cycling. New Kiosk will be installed at the Pavilion in Minerva Park. New Historical directional signs at key junctions in McKellar. New and improved municipal and business handbook, a spring electronic newsletter and a revised website. The purchase of a new fire truck. A revised five-year road improvement plan. Resolving legal issues. Looking at improvements to the operation of the Transfer Station. Contact: Councillor Mike Kekkonen. Developing a ready list of capital projects for grant purposes. Creation of an Asset management Policy by July 1st 2019 and the development of an Asset Management Plan by 2021. Implementation of Bill 68 New by-laws to hire a new Integrity Commissioner, new Procedural By-laws, a new Code of Conduct, and Human Resources By-law. Reviewing and updating various By-laws - Zoning, Noise, Clean Yards and Remuneration. Summary: We have accomplished a lot, but there is still much to do. Council needs your help, your input, your involvement, your ideas and solutions to resolve issues and plan for our future. Please seriously consider getting involved on a current or ad hoc committee, Action Plan or sharing your ideas on the Transfer Station. The more people involved in the decision-making process, the better the decision. We can plan together to make positive things happen. We can all work together in ensuring that McKellar is a warm and welcoming community that "Respects the Past, yet Embraces the Future. If you have questions, contact a council member or myself at 705-389-2228 or Place the additional text here

March 11, 2019 News

Contribute a little of your time to help improve our community

The Township of McKellar still has a few openings for volunteers to serve on the following ad hoc committees: Business, Economic Development and Tourism (to recommend ways to retain and increase businesses),[...]

Servicing Roads (to recommend ways of servicing un-assumed roads) and Environmental and Stewardship (to find ways to preserve the quality of our lakes). The application deadline is Friday, March 15th. If you are interested in becoming an active volunteer please view the terms of reference and application forms on the Township website at: or call the Township Office at 705-389-2842. Place the additional text here

March 07, 2019 News


McKellar Council Action Plan public meeting on March 9th 2019

On Saturday, January 12th, the Township of McKellar held a public meeting to gather residents thoughts and ideas as to projects the new Council should focus on over the next four years. A significant number of people attended the meeting and submitted many project ideas for consideration. A second public meeting to review and prioritize the submissions will be held on Saturday, March 9th, in the Community Centre beginning at 10 a.m.[....]

All ratepayers are encouraged to attend. To view the ideas presented at the January 12th meeting please go to:

March 4th, 2019 News


Zoning By-law Review Meeting rescheduled again

Julie Hare has informed us that the McKellar Zoning By-law Review Meeting concerning the Hurdville Road ....

barn has been rescheduled again. The meeting scheduled for Tuesday, February 19th 2019 has now been rescheduled to Monday, March 4th, at 6:30 p.m.

January 21, 2019 News


Residential Rentals in McKellar Township Survey Results

Between May 31st and June 20th, 2018, a survey was conducted by the Manitouwabing Lake Community Association to gather public input regarding residential rentals in the Township of McKellar. The survey results were not previously distributed due to a legal dispute. As that legal dispute has now been resolved, MLCA is now able, and pleased, to share the results of the survey. Given that McKellar Council is currently in the process of amending zoning by-laws, public opinion in respect to residential rentals and sharing of the surveys results becomes even more important [...]

Presentation of the survey results to McKellar Council and staff will be at the January 21st 2019 Council Meeting (6:30 p.m.) and the report is available for review now at Residential Rentals Survey Please keep in mind that the results of the survey reflect the views of participants, whose opinions are not necessarily shared by Members of the MLCA Board of Directors.

January 07, 2019 News


Volunteers to serve on McKellar committees

The Township of McKellar is looking for interested individuals to volunteer their talents for the betterment of the community. Volunteer opportunities exist on the following Committees and Board: Historical Committee. Library Board. Recreation Committee. Business, Economic Development and Tourism Adhoc Committee. Road Services Review Adhoc Committee. Stewardship and Environmental Adhoc Committee. If you are interested in becoming an active volunteer, please call the Township Office at 705-389-2842 or visit the township website http://www [...]

The Township of McKellar is looking for interested individuals to volunteer their talents for the betterment of the community. Volunteer opportunities exist on the following Committees and Board: Historical Committee. Library Board. Recreation Committee. Business, Economic Development and Tourism Adhoc Committee. Road Services Review Adhoc Committee. Stewardship and Environmental Adhoc Committee. If you are interested in becoming an active volunteer, please call the Township Office at 705-389-2842 or visit the township website

January 02, 2019 - News


First Meeting Of The Newly Elected Mckellar Council

On Monday evening, December 3rd 2018, the newly-elected McKellar Council comprising Reeve Peter Hopkins and Councillors Marco Ancinelli, Don Carmichael, Morley Haskim and Mike Kekkonen, met for the first time. Here is a transcript of Reeve Hopkins inaugural address:

"Let me first thank our citizens for taking the time to vote in the election. I have had the pleasure of meeting one-on-one with each of the incoming council members and am looking forward to working together for the benefit of all our citizens [...]

We will continue to respect the past, yet embrace the future.

"Throughout the campaign you have made your issues and concerns known as well as making a variety of positive suggestions moving forward. In the next month or so, Council will be taking actions to address your concerns and discuss your ideas.

"Together, we can ensure that McKellar is a warm and welcoming community; one that protects the quality of its lakes and the beauty of its surroundings; continues to build on its positive sense of community; one that works cooperatively with its neighbours; has a plan of action and continues to be fiscally responsible and debt free.

"With Council's approval, we will involve staff, committees, community groups and our citizens in developing a four-year ACTION PLAN that will create a clear vision, measurable objectives, resolve key issues; and set a collective course of where we are going in the next four years.

"We have an opportunity for continuous improvement: in finding new and innovative ways of doing things in order to provide better programs and services. We have the opportunity to implement a community development process to ensure more people are involved in the decision-making process - more heads are better than one. We have the opportunity to be at the table and collaborate with our neighbours on meaningful and affordable projects. We have an obligation to work together and develop a clear and measurable plan so we all know where we are going in the next four years; or we will end up somewhere.

"Some key issues to be addressed include:

"Water quality and environmental issues; numerous new zoning, procedural and remuneration by-laws; servicing roads, staffing needs, high-speed internet, transfer station improvements, business and tourism development, unfinished beautification projects along with new and innovative ideas, to name a few.

"Today, we will begin this process by approving many old and new committees, a process to develop a Plan of Action and give direction to the revision of numerous by-laws.

"With everyone working together we can have a very positive and productive four years while setting the stage for our 150th anniversary in 2023 and ensure that McKellar 'Respects the past, yet embraces the future.'

"Lets just do it together." Peter Hopkins, Reeve

December 09, 2018 - News


Handels Messiah-at-the-Stockey Centre

Whispering River Orchestra & Riversongs Festival Choir will perform "Handel's Messiah" at the Charles W. Stockey Centre, 2 Bay Street, Parry Sound, on Saturday December 22nd at 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $32. Soloists: Amy Dodington, soprano, Celine Cascanette, mezzo, Fabian Arciniegas, tenor, Johnathon Kirby, bass.Conductor: Catherine Maguire. Artistic Director: Brenda Margaret Muller. Experience the Majesty and Joy of the Season in George Frederick Handels timeless music.

Presented by our own Whispering River Orchestra and Riversongs Festival Choir, the evening will feature many local musicians eager to perform for their community. With Midhursts David McFadden as Concertmaster, Parry Sounds Brenda Margaret Muller as Continuo/cellist, and Music Director of Trinity U.C. Gravenhurst, Dan McCoy, on Continuo/ harpsichord, the orchestra will accompany the choir and a quartet of renowned Canadian soloists, including two favourites from Muskoka: Amy Dodington, soprano, and Celine Cascanette, mezzo. They are joined by two renowned Canadian voices also from small Ontario communities - tenor Fabian Arciniegas from Pickering and basso profundo, John D. Kirby who hails from Newmarket. The evening will be conducted by the director of the Riversongs Festival Choir, Catherine Maguire.

Tickets are $32 and are available at the Stockey Centre box office, on the Stockey Centre website, and at the door. For more information visit Whispering River Music on Facebook or visit:

Contact:Zach Louch: 705-938-8010 or Ardeleana Chamber Music Society / Whispering River Music: 705-996-0736 or


Good News for Rogers’ cellphone and internet users

Just a quick note to alert all members who are customers (or potential customers) that the new Rogers monopine communications tower went into service on Manitouwabing Lake on Wednesday afternoon, October 31st 2018.

Located at the end of West Point Drive, overlooking the centre of the lake, it should provide greatly improved service for many residents. Rogers thanks customers for their patience.


UPDATE re Proposed McKellar zoning by-law amendment

TOWNSHIP OF McKELLAR NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING & OPEN HOUSE CONCERNING A PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Township of McKellar will hold a public meeting and open house concerning a proposed zoning by-law update. The open house will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, October 27, 2018 at the Township Council Chambers in the Village of McKellar. The public meeting will be held on November 5, 2018 at 6:00 pm at the Township Council Chambers in the Village of McKellar. [...]

THE PURPOSE of the proposed zoning by-law is to update the existing comprehensive zoning by-law for the whole of the Township of McKellar.

THE EFFECT of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to implement a number of changes to the text and map schedules to Zoning By-law No. 95-15 to incorporate changes resulting from the update to the official plan in Official Plan Amendment No. 8. No key map is included because the changes affect all of the lands in the whole of the Township of McKellar.

ADDITIONAL information including a copy of the proposed zoning by-law changes are available on the Township website ( or directly from the Township during normal business hours.

If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Township of McKellar on the proposed zoning by-law, you must make a written request to the Township of McKellar, 701 Highway 124, P.O. Box 69, McKellar, ON P0G 1C0.

If a person or public body would otherwise have an ability to appeal the decision of the Council of the Township of McKellar to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, but the person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Township of McKellar before the by-law is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision.

If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting, or make written submissions to the Township of McKellar before the by-law is passed, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to do so.

Dated this 3rd day of October, 2018

Tammy Wylie, Clerk-Administrator 705-389-2842, ext. 4

Email: Township of McKellar 701 Highway 124, P.O. Box 69 McKellar, ON P0G 1C0

October 17, 2018 - News


2018 McKellar Municipal Election

Eligible McKellar voters on record should, by now, have received via Canada Post a voting notification including a PIN to use in electronic voting methods. If you have not received a notification and believe you are eligible to vote please contact the Township office at (705) 389-2842 (ext. 1) during office hours up to and including Monday October 22nd 2018; which is the final day to vote.

As a reminder of who the candidates are for McKellar Council, audio recordings and a transcription of the MLCA All-Candidates Meeting held on August 18th 2018, along with materials supplied by candidates, are available at 2018 McKellar All-Candidates Meeting. Please listen to and/or read what the candidates for Reeve and Councillor have said about themselves and responses to questions about things that may concern you. Make an informed decision when you vote in the upcoming election.

Please take the time to vote by phone or internet between 10 a.m. on Tuesday, October 9th and 8 p.m. on Monday, October 22nd2018.

October 02, 2018 - News


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