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Manitouwabing Lake Community Association Constitution



Section 1.


Section 2.

Jurisdiction: The Manitouwabing Lake Community Association shall be representative of the areas included within the Township of McKellar, District of Parry Sound, and any other areas adjoining Lake Manitouwabing.



Section 1.

The Manitouwabing Lake Community Association has been founded for people within McKellar Township and the adjoining Manitouwabing Lake who are interested in a organization which works for their common good. The Association concerns itself with taking an interest in everything which may contribute to the health, pleasure, comfort and security of those living temporarily or permanently in the area. All members are encouraged to reflect the general feeling of their Community and to bring their needs to the attention of the Association.



Section 1.

There shall be the following classes of members:

a) Active Members

b) Associate Members

c) Honorary Members

Section 2.

a) Active Members

Any registered owner of lands included within the said areas, excluding an owner or operator of a business serving the McKellar area, who has paid to the Association the annual dues. Any such land owner may nominate one member of the family (parent, child or spouse of child being 21 years of age or more) to stand for election. Such person, on paying the annual dues, is entitled to full privileges of the Association.

b) Associate Members

Any owner or operator of a business within said areas and others outside the said areas who have an interest in the well being of the Manitouwabing Lake area, and who have paid the annual Association dues. Associate members shall have all the privileges of the Association except those of holding office and voting.

c) Honorary Members

Any individual having made an outstanding contribution to the causes of the Association may be elected by the Board of Directors to Honorary Membership and this may be for life. Honorary members shall have all the privileges of the Association except those of holding office and voting, and shall be exempt from the payment of dues and assessments.



Section 1.

An annual general meeting of the Association shall be held by July 16 in each year for the purpose of receiving reports and of electing executives and directors for the ensuing term, and if there is opportunity, for the transaction of any other business.

Section 2.

At least twenty one (21) days prior notice shall be given to the members concerning the holding of the annual general meeting. Every member entitled to attend/participate in an annual general meeting will be notified electronically of the meeting unless the member has informed of their preference to be notified by mail.

Section 3.

Twenty per cent (20%) of the paid-up membership shall constitute a quorum for the holding of an annual general meeting duly called. Members attending by proxy voting are counted as attended and therefore are included in quorum count. A meeting of the members may be held by telephonic or electronic means and a member who, through those means, votes at the meeting or establishes a communications link to the meeting is deemed to be present at the meeting.

Section 4.

During the period for the nominations and elections of officers, the annual general meeting shall be presided over by a member elected for the purpose at the meeting. (See Article X, Section 3).

Section 5.

Each active member at the annual general meeting shall have one (1) vote on each motion put to the meeting, and motions shall be determined by a simple majority of votes on a show of hands.

Section 6.

In electing the executive and directors, where more than the required number are nominated and stand for election, the election shall be by secret ballot.



Section 1.

The Officers (Executives) of the Association shall consist of the immediate Past President, a President, Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer.

Section 2.

All Officers shall be nominated and elected at the annual general meeting of the Association. The term of office is two years if not appointed differently by the annual general meeting. All elections shall be made by the majority of the quorum. Officers shall be eligible for re-election.



Section 1.

Between annual general meetings, the general management and control of the affairs, funds and property of the Association shall be vested in the said elected Executive of the Association, subject only to the Constitution and decisions taken by majority vote of the members at the annual general meetings, or at other general meetings called by the Executive on the same notice as for annual general meetings.

Section 2.

Constitution of the Board: The Board of Directors shall consist of the Officers and a maximum of eleven (11) Directors, a majority of whom must own property adjoining Manitouwabing Lake, to be elected by the active members to give a reasonable geographic representation to all areas within McKellar Township and the area adjoining Manitouwabing Lake. Directors shall be eligible for re-election.

Section 3.

Three (3) members of the Executive (Past-President, President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer) shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of the business of the Executive. Motions in the meetings of the Executive shall be determined by simple majority of the votes cast.

Section 4.


Any vacancy that occurs on the Board of Directors may be filled by a resolution passed by a majority of the quorum (25%) or those present at a meeting of the Board of Directors.

Section 5.

Removal of Officers and Directors:

Any Officer or Director may be removed from office by a resolution passed by a majority of the Directors present at a meeting called for that purpose. Any Officer or Director will automatically be removed from office if absent from two (2) consecutive meetings without excuse.



Section 1.

Application for membership shall be made to a Director or to any member of the Executive, accompanied by the current year's dues.

Section 2.

Only those members whose required fees are paid can vote at any meeting or participate in any event of the Association.

Section 3.

The amount set for annual dues may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote at a general meeting, if necessary.

Section 4.

Any member deemed in default shall automatically lose his/her membership. Membership may be reinstated on application with full payment of dues. Dues must not be overdue in order to attend the AGM and/or vote on resolutions.

Section 5.

The Association may, upon the recommendation of the Executive and by a three-quarter (3/4) vote of all active members present at a regular meeting, order an assessment upon each active member.

Section 6.

The requirement for an annual audit of the financial operation of the Association either by a Chartered Accountant/Public Accountant or by signed statement from two members of the Association who are not Members of The Board may be dismissed by annual resolution where passed by at least eighty (80) per cent of the votes cast at a general meeting of which notice specifying the intention to pass the resolution has been given.

Section 7.

Dues paid by members are used for the general expenses of Association operations. Funds raised through other Association activities and any surpluses of membership dues in excess of general expenses are to be managed through Reserves account(s) and dispersed as directed and approved by the Board of Directors.

Any donations toward Township initiatives, in excess of $10,000 must be approved by resolution at the AGM.



Section 1.

The fiscal year shall commence April 1st and end March 31st.



Section 1.

The President of the Association shall:

a) Preside at the meetings of the Association and of the Executive and Directors.

b) Call meetings of the Executive and special meetings of the Association whenever the President may deem it necessary.

c) Appoint the members and designate the chairpersons of all committees except when otherwise provided.

d) Be a member, ex-officio, of all committees.

e) Sign all official documents and papers.

Section 2.

The Vice-President of the Association shall:

a) Assist the president in the performance of duties.

b) Preside at all meetings in the absence of the President.

c) Succeed to the office of President in case of vacancy.

d) Be a member, ex-officio, of all committees.

e) Under the direction of the President be responsible for the programme of the meetings of Directors.

Section 3.

The Secretary of the Association shall:

a) Keep a record of all transactions of the Association and the Executive.

b) Take charge of and conduct the correspondence of the Association and keep copies of all official letters and replies.

c) Keep a roll of all members of the Association and their addresses.

d) Notify officers, members of the committees, and others of their election or appointment.

Section 4.

The Treasurer of the Association shall:

a) Collect and deposit in an authorized bank all monies of the Association.

b) Disburse funds by cheque or electronic banking capabilities provided by financial institutions on the said bank account(s) with the exception of petty cash disbursements which will be accounted for by voucher

c) Keep an accurate account of monies received and expended in a book provided for this purpose.

d) Submit to the Board of Directors an annual written report of the financial affairs of the Association.

e) Invest the funds of the Association only upon approval of the Executive.

f) The signing officers are the President, Vice-President and Treasurer, with cheques to be signed by any two of these officers.

Section 5.

All Officers shall promptly turn over to their successors all funds, securities, correspondence and property in his or her possession, of whatsoever nature, that belong to the Association.

Section 6.

Directors of the Association shall:

a) Encourage membership in the Association in their respective areas.

b) Represent the Association in their respective areas.

c) Assist in the work of the Association.

d) Attend all meetings of the Association except Executive meetings.

e) Identify and bring to the attention of the Executive concerns of members in their respective areas



Section 1.

The Board of Directors may appoint Standing Committees and Chairpersons of said Committees for the purpose of investigating specific areas of interest and concern to the Association, e.g., water levels, water quality, pollution, crime prevention, etc.

Section 2.

Duties of the Standing Committees:

a) Hold meetings at the call of the President.

b) Serve as Programme Committees at all meetings.

c) Shall act or state policy only under the authorization of the Board of Directors.

d) Findings or determinations of said Committees must be reported to the Board of Directors.

e) Policies resulting from the findings of said Committees and the Board of Directors must be considered by the Association as a whole by resolution in either general meetings or at a special meeting duly called.

Section 3.

Nominating Committee for Officers: Will consist of the Past President serving as Chairman with the power to add two others to assist.



Section 1

Amendments to the Constitution may only be made at the annual general meeting or at any general meeting properly called. Members must be notified at least two (2) weeks before the meeting. Amendments must be passed by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the quorum.

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