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Susan Adamson 705-389-1325 Scott Buckingham (Chair) 705-389-1337If you would prefer to contact Committee Members by email please use the following E-mail address: MISSION STATEMENT: TO SERVE in an advisory capacity to the MLCA Board of Directors on proposals and decisions of the federal, provincial and municipal governments that may affect MLCA members and other residents of the Township of McKellar. TO IDENTIFY, research and recommend to the MLCA Board of Directors policy positions related to proposed, new or amended public policy and legislation in a manner consistent with the best interests of MLCA members and other residents of the Township of McKellar. TO RECOMMEND communication channels to keep MLCA members and other residents of the Township of McKellar abreast of emerging issues, developments, Board-approved MLCA policy positions and final legislative decisions. MLCA media resources available to be utilized for this purpose include email, website, print media, public notice boards and public meetings. TO ENSURE that the MLCA Public Affairs Committee recommendations consider and reflect the majority views of all residents of the Township of McKellar, all full-time and seasonal residents in the Township are encouraged to become active members of the Manitouwabing Lake Community Association. OBJECTIVES: MLCA Public Affairs Committee actions and initiatives are designed to:
Shall be a Standing Committee of the MLCA Board of Directors and appointed by the MLCA President to act in an advisory capacity to the Board regarding issues of local public interest emanating from every level of government. DUTIES OF OFFICERS: The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the committee. If the Chair is absent, the Vice Chair shall assume his/her duties. The Chair, in discussion with the Secretary, shall prepare the Agenda for each regularly scheduled meeting, copies of which will be sent electronically to all Committee members and the MLCA President prior to each meeting. EXPENSES: 1: The Public Affairs Committee shall prepare and submit to the MLCA Treasurer a listing of projected annual expenses one month prior to the end of each MLCA fiscal year for advance approval by the MLCA Board of Directors. 2: Invoices from suppliers of goods and services must be sent in a timely manner directly to the MLCA Treasurer for payment. 3: Incidental approved expenses must be recorded on an MLCA expense form and submitted to the MLCA Treasurer. MANDATE OF THE PUBLIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE: 1: Shall annually set out a specific list of goals and objectives for MLCA Board approval. 2: Shall monitor federal, provincial and municipal notices, announcements and decisions that have the potential to impact residents of the Township of McKellar and local lakes. 3: Shall prepare a report on each McKellar Council meeting with information which may, at the discretion of the MLCA Board of Directors, be made available for public dissemination in a timely manner. 4: Shall attempt to have two committee members attend every Township of McKellar council meeting to take note of significant events and the time at which they occur. Public Affairs Committee members shall commit to participating in a schedule of attendance at Township of McKellar council meetings and to file reports of said meetings. 5: Shall establish the logistics of finding and developing effective communication channels in order to meet goals and objectives in a timely manner. 6: Shall recognize that the MLCA Board of Directors ultimately has the discretion of approving, amending or defeating a Public Affairs Committee recommendation. THE MLCA BOARD OF DIRECTORS undertakes to refer relevant matters to the Committee for comment. DUTIES OF MLCA STANDING COMMITTEES (as per the Association's Constitution): a) Hold meetings at the call of the President. b) Serve as Program Committees at all meetings. c) Shall act or state policy only under the authorization of the Board of Directors. d) Findings or determinations of said Committees must be reported to the Board of Directors. e) Policies resulting from the findings of said Committees and the Board of Directors must be considered by the Association as a whole by resolution in either general meetings or at a special meeting duly called. |