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    Roger Lillie    

Roger Lillie - MLCA Lake History

Roger Lillie worked very hard in the early seventies to form the Tait's Island Cottagers' Association.  He visited every cottager on the Island to ask for a contribution of $300.00 over three years so that the center of the island, approximately 100 acres, could be purchased from the owner. This would preserve the core from subsequent development. The total purchase price was $30,000.00 so 100 cottagers had to agree. They did, and the Association was formed. The name was subsequently changed to the Tait's Island Community Association.

Peggy Lillie recalls that the road to the island wasn't built in 1970, and their land was purchased by boat. Lots were then selling for approximately $4000.00. The family often spent Christmas at the cottage and in the early years they would / load a toboggan and walk in from Highway 124. Parking on Highway 124 for several days was risky due to parking tickets, heavy snowfalls and snowplows.

Written by Peggy Lillie, October, 2008

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